Enrolling Now: Ancestors' Seeds by Afrocentric Montessori now has a microschool for children 3–5-year olds!


Building My First Altar

These printables are one way to incorporate your children or students' into ancestral practices that may be part of your routine. The cutting and glue aspects touch on the fine motor skills as well as an opportunity to build vocabulary about the materials used at an altar. The materials can be interchangeable and there is variety within each of the choices. This is a simplified altar for younger learners but more can be added to your altar if you wish.

In this learning pack you will receive the following:

Vocabulary List

The four elements organizing chart: Fire (candle), Water, Air (movement), Earth (nature, crystals, plants) - These elements are all around us and they are representative of the needs of life.

Words of Gratitude and Thanks: An example of words that can be used during the libation or lighting the candle(s) and incense.

Resource List: This is only an introduction to altar creation. I included some great links for you to learn more and deepen your practice individually or as a family.



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