Enrolling Now: Ancestors' Seeds by Afrocentric Montessori now has a microschool for children 3–5-year olds!

Afrikan Countries Learning

Cameroon Learning Pack

This 3-page learning pack can be used as a helpful introduction to the country Cameroon. Children will be able to trace letters, identify colors, and color to create the Cameroon flag as well as make a delicious popular snack--puff-puff. Extension ideas for the learning pack: Introduce the letter sound C and have the child sound out the letter C as well as make associations throughout the week of things that start with the letter C. Expand learning to think about the different wildlife and vegetation that live and grow in Cameroon since it is the home to over 409 species of mammals and 165 species of birds. Build upon the fact that Cameroon is one of the wettest countries on Earth. You can incorporate the weather cycle and measure the rainfall at your house or school by building your own rain gauge.


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